Monday, June 13, 2011

Stage 3

Which is not Stage 4! There was some indication we might be dealing with a Stage 4 cancer, so we're relieved. It's a very aggressive cancer locally (rectum, colon, lymph nodes), but does not appear to have spread to the abdominal wall or any vital organs. The surgeon, Andy Vorenberg, seems great. Direct, honest, open. He looks you squarely in the eyes when he speaks, and doesn't shy away from uncertainty. Though he's not uncertain about much. A quick google search of his name reveals that he also hosted a Royal Wedding party. So....

Anyway, the plan: 1) Chemotherapy: news to me, but there are different chemos for different cancers, and the colon cancer chemo ain't so bad (" 'Nuff said" song?). No hair loss, less nausea than most. Joe will probably be able to keep working more than we had expected. 2) Radiation: kill everything in and around Joe's rectum and colon. This will probably cause some permanent digestive issues. 3) Surgery: remove all that (hopefully) dead tumor, remove tissue around the dead tumor (I believe he called it "margin"), and (more hopefulness) put Humpty Dumpty together again.

It's good to have a plan. And it's good to know we're not Stage 4. Stage 4 Colon Cancer survival rate is about 8%, but more people survive Stage 3 than die from it. And most of them are young! I'm so relieved to be spending the next several months nursing Joe than, like, skydiving with him, you know? So, onward and upward.

Tomorrow we meet with the Radiation Oncologist, and next week with the general Oncologist. I'll figure out why they need to be separate people later. My guess is chemo will start late next week/early the following.

We'll keep you posted. Much love!

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