Monday, June 6, 2011


Hey Everybody! This is Joe. Erin's in San Fran visiting her sister and meeting her new neice for the first time. Wanted to give y'all a little update. First off-I'm good. L-I-V-I-N'! Had a great time with some great people over the weekend. Warm bonfire, cool vibes, fun music, and bobcats!
So, on the medical side of things, i will be getting a referral to an oncologist tomorrow. Both Dr. Keate's office and the FanFreeClinic; where I first went, and who referred me to Dr Keate; are on the case.
Got my first appointment, or "Sit Down", as I'm picturing it, with my Colorectal Surgeon on Thursday. Should know more about the path of treatment and recovery after that. Think I may want to bring some people with me for that. You know, some ass-ociates. ;)
Anyway, gonna go make some shitake lasagne. some mushrooms are actually really good for fighting a pain in the ass like i've got.
Love you all! "Be excellent to each other...and..." if you can figure out how to post to this blog-this is an easy one. 2 cookies if you finish the line in a way i find most appropriate!!! there are clues!!!


  1. ...and party on duuuudes.

    We'll be thinking about you tomorrow, Joe.

  2. Kristen beat me to it.... Just let me know when you'll your ass-ociates. ~Tom

  3. hmmm, well you probably already know this if your into the shrooms and all, but i'll say it anyway, the best one i know is the maitake mushroom. you can read about it here
